How to Create a Custom Email in 3 Easy Steps for FREE!!!

Do you want a custom email address, but don’t want to invest more money into something you may not want? I can help you create a FREE custom email, using your domain, through your Gmail account.

When you purchase a domain from Google, they allow you to use that domain to create a FREE custom email. They will try to push Google Workspace on you, but that’s totally unnecessary unless you run a business with multiple employees and want to have more control.

This post will walk you through the steps to attain a custom email address without spending a penny in less than 5 minutes.

#1 – Forward on Bluehost

Custom email - bluehost advanced settings

When you arrive at Bluehost, select ‘Advanced’ on the left sidebar menu. Then, scroll down until you see ‘EMAIL’ and select ‘Forwarders.’

Custom email - bluehost forwarders

Now, select ‘Add Forwarder.’

Custom email - bluehost forwarders

Under ‘Address to Forward,’ type what you want to preceed the ‘@’ in the new email.

Then, confirm the correct domain is visible.

And lastly, type your FREE Gmail address in the field described as ‘Forward to Email Address.’

Custom email - bluehost forwarders confirmation

Now, you’ll see a confirmation that you have forwarded the new custom email address correctly.

#2 – Google Account Settings

Custom email - google account settings

Go to your Google Account Settings by clicking on your profile circle on the top right side of any Google website, and select ‘Manage Your Google Account.’

Custom email - google app passwords

On the left sidebar menu, select ‘Security.’ Then, scroll down to ‘Signing in to Google.’

Now, click ‘App Passwords.’

Custom email - google app passwords

Under ‘Select App,’ select ‘Other (Custom Name).’

Custom email - google app passwords

Then, type in your domain name to make it easier. You can use this multiple times, but listing your domain name here, allows you to have more control of future needs.

Custom email - google app passwords

Copy the code.

#3 – Gmail Settings

Custom email - gmail settings

Click on the Settings icon and select ‘See all Settings.’

Custom email - add another email address

On the top bar of Settings, select ‘Accounts and Import.’

Under ‘Send Mail As,’ click ‘Add another email address.’

Custom email - add another email address

A pop-up window will appear (very 1995 style) asking for the ‘Name’ and ‘Address.’ They are asking for the Display Name for this account that will appear on each email, and your NEW custom email address. Once you fill those in, click ‘Next Step.’

Custom email - add another email address

Change your domain to gmail, so that it reads ‘’

Type in your FREE Gmail username.

Paste the App Password you copied from your Google Account in the Password field.

Then, click ‘Add Account.’

Custom email - add another email address

Now, it wants you to confirm your NEW custom email address works by sending you a confirmation email at your FREE Gmail address.

Return to your Gmail inbox and wait a moment until it arrives. If it doesn’t arrive in a few minutes and you attempted to refresh your inbox, ask to resend your confirmation email on the pop-up window.

Custom email - add another email address confirmation

In the confirmation email, there is a URL to click to confirm that you received it. After you click that, a new tab should open that looks like this, proving that your NEW custom email address has successfully been accepted by Google.

Now, you’re free to use this NEW custom email address however you like!

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